If you are spending a lot of time in your woodworking shop, you know how important it is to collect the sawdust. A clean space is a healthy space. While a shop vac can be very useful, you may want to consider an automated dust collection system.There are many different types available, but the installation […]
IntroductionIn this article, we’re setting our sights on building the ultimate dust collection set up for your workshop. Any woodworker knows that dust collection is an extremely important tool for keeping a shop clean and eliminating fire hazards. In this article, we’re looking specifically at the individual fittings you might use to set up an […]
IntroductionIf you’ve been woodworking for long, you know what a big problem dust and wood chips can become. Cleaning this mess is a top priority for any woodworker, and that’s why a dust collector is such a popular tool in this field.In this article, we’re going to talk all about dust collectors. We’ll briefly explain […]
One of the best ways to improve the quality of your woodworking projects is to use the proper tools. When it comes to cyclone dust collectors, there are a few features to keep in mind.The price is always a concern for most people. There are machines in different sizes and functioning abilities. Bigger isn’t always […]
One of the busiest woodworking tools you have is also one of the messiest. The dust from table saws can get tracked everywhere; on your person, on your shoes, and through the air.Collecting the dust before it takes over your home or shop is the best way to maintain your workspace. But what are the […]