Tips On How To Remove Glue From Wood
Removing wood glue is a tricky venture. Sometimes getting glue off of flooring or removing glue stains from furniture can be a breeze. More often than not, however, the process takes a bit of time and effort to accomplish. The reason is that wood is a porous material, meaning that whatever is applied to it gets soaked up by the wood making it very difficult to remove. This is exacerbated by the wide variety of glue products and their unique ingredients. Gain more knowledge by reading best wood glue article.
Fortunately, after many years of trial and error, we've found good tips and tricks for removing glue from wood. If you find yourself with pesky glue residue that needs to be eliminated, there are a some good places to start. So, without further delay, here are six helpful tips on how to remove glue from wood.
1. Acetone
If you're really in a bind and don't necessarily mind if the paint or finish of your wood is compromised, a great way to remove glue is through the use of an acetone mixture. Using acetone, which is the main ingredient in paint thinner and nail polish, is certainly a proven way to remove glue from wood. Warning it can also irreversibly scar the wood in the process. If this is something you aren't worried about then simply mix a bit of acetone with water in a plastic container, then use cotton balls to get a little bit of the mixture soaked in and begin to dab and rub at the glue residue.
After you've got a few solid dabs or rubs in on the glue using the acetone-soaked cotton ball, you'll want to let the mixture sink in for a few minutes then wipe the area with a dry rag or cloth. You'll then repeat this process until the glue residue has weakened and disappeared. You may also want to use something like a spatula to gently scrape at the glue residue when you feel it start to loosen up.
2. Sandpaper
Another tip for removing glue from wood is by using sandpaper. This method is certainly going to ruin the paint or finish of the wood, but if it's a pre-finishing step this is the way to go. Simply get a piece of 600 grit sandpaper and sand the glue down until the wooden surface is level. This first round of sanding is typically just to get the globs of glue sanded down to a more workable amount. When that is accomplished, you'll then want to switch to 1200 grit sandpaper and continue to sand away the remaining layers of glue until you have a smooth surface. Once the glue is removed and the surface is smooth you can begin the finishing/refinishing process.
3. Hot Water
The third tip is very helpful if you don't want to damage your wood while removing the glue. It's a rather simple process that involves hot water and towels. Bring some water to a boil then carefully soak a few cloth rags or dish towels in the hot water and place the soaked towels on the glued wood. You'll then want to let it sit there for three to five minutes. After letting it sit, remove the towels and rub the remaining layers of glue off. If there are still a few pesky spots left, you can use a spatula or floor scraper to gently remove the remainder.
4. Heat Gun
As seen in the tip mentioned above, the use of heat is a great way to remove glue from wood. This tip expands upon the third method by incorporating the use of heat gun to remove layers of glue from wood. This one is the most fun - because you get to use a tool. All you need to do is position the heat gun about two to three inches above where the glue is and hold it there until to see the glue begin to melt away. It's important to be extra careful because getting too close or holding the heat gun above the wood for too long can easily cause damage.
Once you notice the glue begin to melt and weaken, take a dry towel and wipe away the layers of glue. You can also use a silicone scraper (side note: super handy for all kinds of things from caulk to cleaning pans). This process works well but requires patience. You may need to repeat this a couple of times in order to completely remove every bit of glue.
5. Goo Gone & Similar Products
One of the easiest and most common methods of removing glue from wood is simply using one of the many commercial brand adhesive remover products. Goo Gone, Goof Off, and any number of other products with similar names can be found online, at the hardware store, or even the grocery store. They tend to work fairly well. All you have to do is spray or pour the adhesive remover on the glue, let it sit for a couple minutes, then begin rubbing the glue with a towel or sponge.
It's important to read the instructions on the back of the bottle to ensure that the particular product won't damage your wood and also be sure to follow any safety precautions as well. You generally don't want this stuff on your skin.
6. Dry Ice
OK, maybe it is a bit more dramatic than the other tips on this list and may be a tad much for some folks. I say this because it involves the use of dry ice, which can be purchased at some grocery and hardware stores. Before handling the dry ice, you must make sure you are wearing protective gloves and eyewear because it can be extremely dangerous if it comes in contact with exposed skin.
You'll only need about a half pound cube of dry ice which is carefully placed on a metal cooking sheet large enough to cover the glued wooden area you are cleaning. You'll then set the cooking sheet on the wooden surface and let it sit for about a minute. When you remove the metal cooking sheet from the wooden surface the glue should have hardened and cracked enough for you to scrape it up with a spatula or floor scraper.
This method should be a last resort simply because it involves hazardous materials and a significant amount of safety gear to perform. It is kinda cool though. All above methods can be used to remove top rated wood glue too.
Good Luck!